CBD+ Cool Stick



Product Details

300mg CBD
Serving Size
Apply liberally
Coconut oil, hemp oil, shea butter, beeswax, ecosoya, vitamin E, arnica, CBD oil, peppermint oil, and other essential oils

Expert Review

It Puts The Cool Stick On Its Skin

Review by Kate Manson

May 31, 2018 · 3 min read

Yes, it is as strange as it sounds.

My body constantly reminds me that I’ve reached an age where something always hurts. Seriously. Sitting, standing, sleeping—I’m never safe from annoying aches and pains.

So, you can imagine how excited I was to find out I would be reviewing Wildflower’s infused topical product, Cool Stick. Full disclosure: I am a big fan of Wildflower and think of myself as an unofficial ambassador for the Washington-based brand’s Immunity CBD disposable vape pen and CBD capsules. I recently started incorporating both into my daily diet and have seen a decrease in my anxiety and insomnia symptoms in less than two weeks.

But what the fuck is a Cool Stick, you ask? The Cool Stick is an anti-inflammatory topical made from whole plant extract that helps relieve joint and muscle pain when applied directly to injured or inflamed areas. Wildflower suggests applying the Cool Stick after a bath or shower when your pores are most open for the best results.