
Larry Pie And The Mindful High
Review by Luca Belloiu
Jul 16, 2021 · 4 min read

Circles’ Larry Pie Zkittlez Live Resin Vape offers sweet pulls, long-lasting joy and an ethereal calm.

IN REVIEW: Circles is an Eaze brand that aims to provide approachable and affordable cannabis products for the daily smoker, and their stellar vape carts like Larry Pie Zkittlez should quickly become a part of your rotation. This all-in-one vaporizer is filled with 81% THC liquid live resin for smooth hits and a deep yet uplifting high. Solid for relieving pain or alleviating stress, this should be your new go-to when you need to get off the couch and get on with your day.

Inhaling this Larry Pie Zkittlez Live Resin All-In-One Vaporizer from Circles is like diving into a raging rapid of sweet tasting vapors. This is a vaporizer that allows for big hits, and it took me by surprise at first. The flavor is bold and complex, and within minutes I was in a profoundly chill place. You can expect it to hit your head first before it slowly winds down through your body.

A true hybrid high in its ability to both allow for acute awareness and some much-needed rest.

Having just come back from a long run, this was just the sort of high I needed. Something that would calm me after a strenuous workout. Once this Larry Pie Zkittlez took hold, I dutifully retreated to my outside chaise lounge and clonked out for a good hour. I just listened to the wind chimes and generally checked out. I felt like a character in one of those open world video games where you can see your health bars increasing as you rest. I was supremely relaxed, but also totally aware of my surroundings. While keeping my eyes closed, I immersed myself in every sound that impinged on my eardrums, whether that be wind chimes from the neighbor or a distant garbage truck making its rounds. It was all the same to me. A true hybrid high in its ability to both allow for acute awareness and some much-needed rest.

And better yet, when I awoke from my midday nap, I was none the worse for wear. Rejuvenated even. I remembered that I had some work to do, so I retreated into the house and had a few more pulls off of this live resin vaporizer. Each pull acted as a helpful muse in that it helped me hone in on the task at hand. I started methodically ticking off a bunch of small items from my to-do list, and before I knew it, I’d built up a nice momentum for the day.

The Larry Pie Zkittlez vape is 81% THC, and its most identifiable effects are of an accepting and opening nature. It made me feel overly grateful and warm-spirited, and not at all wrapped up in the sort of petty grievances I may have been obsessing over only minutes before the vape session. It’s the sort of high that could keep you zen during a visit to the DMV, or even at an opinion-filled family reunion.

In fact, it became of great use to me when I took the dog out for a reflective afternoon walk and he broke free to chase a crow. After returning with a cut eye and covered with the detritus of the land, I had to calmly explain to him that the likelihood of him catching a crow in mid-flight is virtually zero. Then I felt bad for discouraging him to tackle that particular dream of his, so I still went ahead and gave him a treat when we got home.

Each pull acted as a helpful muse in that it helped me hone in on the task at hand. 

Then I felt that I should give myself a treat as well because this all-in-one vape had given me a sweet tooth. So after eating half a pint of some fancy kind of chocolate ice cream that my wife buys, I had to give my dog a bath. And that is a project in and of itself. So I naturally fortified myself with another vaping session, and what’s normally a harrowing project actually turned out to be pretty fun. I played “I’m Gonna Be” by The Proclaimers and started washing my dog to the rhythm of the song, because with the high that I was feeling, I figured that was as good a way as any to make a dirty dog clean.

My lasting impression of this vaporizer from Circles was that it makes a solid post-workout choice while also being conducive for mindfulness. Activities like yoga, meditation, deep stretching, or anything where you can build up a mind and body flow would complement this high nicely, and I plan to keep it handy for just such sessions. 

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CirclesLarry Pie Zkittlez x Circles Live Resin Vaporizer