Snooze Honey Shot



Product Details

2mg THC, 2mg CBN
Honey, Sweet
Serving Size
1 honey stick
Kanuka honey, cannabis extract, sunflower lecithin, melatonin

Product Description

kikoko's Snooze Honey Shot is a single dose of cannabis-infused honey that intents to lull you into a peaceful sleep. It's mellow but effective enough to benefit any level of tolerance, and its sweetness goes well in a cup of tea or on some toast. It's honey. Take it straight on if you want. The sleepy sensation should eventually relax you and weigh down your eyes. Near-instant knockout.

Effects Profile

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Proper’s Effects Profiles come from the Proper Cannabis Committee, which is made up of real human experts who rate products blind to avoid bias. Use these reliable ratings to learn what each product is good for.


The effect profile of kikoko Snooze Honey Shot is based on 4 user reviews.




Expert Review

Honey, I Shrunk My Problems

Review by Luca Belloiu

Oct 20, 2020 · 6 min read

I say Kanuka and you say Manuka, Kanuka, Manuka, Kanuka, Manuka, let’s call the whole thing off!

IN REVIEW: Kikoko is a woman-owned brand that focuses on sustainability and sweet highs. Each of these sticks has a unique cannabinoid concentration that’s coupled with real honey to provide targeted effects in the healthiest way possible. Grab their BUZZ shot to get going, their CALM shot to settle down, their FOCUS to finish a project and their SNOOZE to find some zzz’s after all is said and done. They’re discreet and shelf stable, so stay stocked and stay high while flying under the radar.

The marriage between cannabis and honey seems like a logical one. And here we have nature’s healing synergy divided into four separate medicated honey sticks. Each one is made with genuine Manuka or Kanuka honey, and infused with either THC, CBD or both.

I wanted to space out all four HoneyShots evenly to give each one the attention it deserved. I woke up early and headed to the never-used china cabinet, where relics and tchotchkes from both my wife’s and my grandparents lie. If I was gonna get high at 6:30 in the morning, I wanted it to be from the rim of a five-ounce teacup and saucer, fashioned in the preferred Baroque style of Austro-Hungarian nobility. I squeezed a 10mg New Zealand Manuka Buzz honey stick into my dainty cup of Earl Grey, and I used a comically tiny silver spoon, emblazoned with her majesty’s initials, to stir it with. I wistfully looked out the window and sipped my morning tea, as I waited for the BUZZ to make itself known to me.