Lavender Cartridge



Product Details

77.36% THC, 0.5% CBD
Lavender, Floral

Product Description

The Sweet As! Lavender Cartridge is an indica vape with an appropriately flowery flavor. It's often blissful and sleepy, perfect for a refreshing afternoon nap or addressing aches and pains. You can expect a calm, soothing high that can help you through a sick day.

Effects Profile

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Proper’s Effects Profiles come from the Proper Cannabis Committee, which is made up of real human experts who rate products blind to avoid bias. Use these reliable ratings to learn what each product is good for.


The effect profile of Sweet As! Lavender Cartridge is based on 5 user reviews.





Expert Review

A Joyful Cartridge That Helped Me Tap Into My Roots

Review by Kait Heacock

Mar 20, 2019 · 4 min read

This cartridge helped me let my guard down just when I needed to.

I’m taking a break from smoking flower right now, which means my cannabis intake method is focused on vaping. Don’t get me wrong, I like edibles here and there, too, but for my day-to-day high, I prefer inhaling. The Lavender cartridge by Sweet As! was a perfect afternoon strain. I enjoyed it during the last days of February when the winter blues all but had me. The first time I tried it was the night I gathered friends for a belated birthday party in which we did the silliest of activities: square dancing. My boyfriend and I had gone square dancing a few months back and wore shit-eating grins on our faces the whole time. It’s hard not to giggle at a synchronized dance that involves a stranger yelling gibberish commands at you while standing next to a banjo picker. Just saying.

The high was a sleepy one at first, so I napped to make sure I was fully alert for the night’s ridiculous activity.