Mr. Nice Quill



Product Details

72.7% THC
Sweet, Floral

Product Description

Quill's Mr. Nice pen is an all-in-one vape with an herbal flavor. It delivers a measured hit with each inhale, which allows you to craft the perfect intensity of this uplifting and spacey high. At its strongest, this is better for zoning out, but you'll likely access a train of creative thought if you take it slow. Some prefer this pen in the morning but others like it as a bedtime high.

Effects Profile

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The effect profile of Quill Mr. Nice Quill is based on 3 user reviews.







Expert Review

I'm An Evangelist For This Body High

Review by Brianna Wheeler

Jan 02, 2019 · 4 min read

For a nighttime vape pen, I was feeling all kinds of bubbly body vibes from the morning well into the afternoon.

Vape pens are the pinnacle of stoner discretion. Quill especially so. As its signature suggests, it is virtually indistinguishable from any other ink pen in my backpack. It could easily be mistaken for a writing instrument. So, right off the bat I love it. Between my fingers, it feels just like my favorite 0.5 Micron pen. Quill’s inconspicuous vibes are appealing to my high-key stoner, high-key private lifestyle, and as of press time it is plainly the most discreet pen I have ever used. And the controlled dosing (a natural inhale produces a 2mg hit) is a fantastic feature for novice smokers and old-heads alike. Aesthetically, I was sold as soon as I saw the Quill, but the real seal of approval came after I actually used it.

That morning I felt a bouncy, champagne fizz just beneath my skin.