Social Watermelon



Product Details

17.6% THC
C02 Vape

Product Description

Select Oil's Social Watermelon vape has a decent taste and texture, but the following experience is average. The typical high is clear and mellow, sometimes too mild to feel it if you have a higher tolerance. If you're a first timer in the vape department, this might be a good entry product. It's tasty and clean but not very strong at all.

Effects Profile

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The effect profile of Select Social Watermelon is based on 3 user reviews.




Expert Review

The Strawberry Hill Of Vape Pens

Review by Brianna Wheeler

Jun 05, 2018 · 4 min read

Just like a warm glass of crap wine, the flavor of this vape would end up haunting me with every recollection.

The first time I ever caught a buzz was from a lap-warm bottle of Strawberry Hill, a sickly sweet, pink wine popular with miscreant high school femmes. I shared it with a group of giggling friends on a beach, and while the memory is pleasant, that crappy wine tainted my taste buds for life. Now that I’m older and have a well-developed appreciation for actual wine, I can say with complete confidence that Strawberry Hill is wack as hell. I don't have to reminisce too long or hard to recall the synthetic sweetness of that bottle of tepid wine, especially since Select Oil’s watermelon-flavored disposable vape pen recently thrust me swiftly back into that cloyingly sweet mouth memory, albeit with a fraction of the payoff.

Select Oil's product line is overwhelmingly simplified. From the disposable Social line of fruit-flavored pens (no indication whether these are indica or sativa, but each offers 25-30% THC) to the more specific Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid CO2 cartridges with higher THC percentages, there’s little that distinguishes these vapes from the larger vape world. The similarly limited selection of extracts are all seemingly curated to remove the distinctions of cultivated cannabis strains in favor of a small selection of homogenized products.

About Select

Born from a bad cough (we’ve all been there), Select has been driven by a desire to create a safer and more reliable vape experience ever since. So when it comes to qualities like consistency and dependability, their innovative team is always striving to be the best. Now serving up edibles and beverages with their hand-filled carts, each product is inspected through four quality control stations to ensure the highest level of purity, as well as a flavor-forward experience and smooth feel every time. Which has all led to them being the best-selling brand on the West Coast for years, and they have no intention of handing over their crown.