Panama Red Cartridge



Product Details

25.1% THC, 31.8% CBD
Spices, Citrus, Earthy

Product Description

Chemistry's Panama Red Cartridge delivers a perfumy vapor and a happy high. A few short hits should leave you unrestricted with a light and airy high, so it's flexible enough for almost any activity. It can help a slow day move along with ease, and it transitions beautifully from day to night.

Effects Profile

Where do effects come from?

Proper’s Effects Profiles come from the Proper Cannabis Committee, which is made up of real human experts who rate products blind to avoid bias. Use these reliable ratings to learn what each product is good for.


The effect profile of Chemistry Panama Red Cartridge is based on 3 user reviews.




About Chemistry

Where's your weed grown? Our products are 100% natural and capture both the flavor + effect of each strain we release. Chemistry stays true to the plant you know and love.