DNA Jack Herer Pod



Product Details

90% THC, 3.5% CBD
Diesel, Earthy

Effects Profile

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Proper’s Effects Profiles come from the Proper Cannabis Committee, which is made up of real human experts who rate products blind to avoid bias. Use these reliable ratings to learn what each product is good for.


The effect profile of PLUGplay DNA Jack Herer Pod is based on 1 user reviews.





Expert Review

PLUGplay Offers Maximum Motivation With DNA Jack Herer

Review by Lindsay MaHarry

May 20, 2020 · 4 min read

This super-strong vape plug is a perfect kickstart to the day

IN REVIEW: This pungent, spicy concentrate cartridge is a productivity beast that will wallop any dullness from the room. A unique setup offers something different for anyone turned off by other vapes.

The hot sun was shining down, glistening off palm trees swaying in the distance. An occasional cloud drifted past, careful not to obstruct the warm, radiating light that makes this city so popular. It was a perfect day in Los Angeles, much like any other. Except for on this day, I’d been transformed.

As a writer, I often blur the line between lazy and productive, finding it difficult to reconcile the two into a workable schedule that doesn’t leave me missing deadlines, or worse, blowing them off entirely in lieu of doing something stupid like getting high in a kiddie pool. However, all it took was one hit of the Jack Herer PLUGplay pod to completely change how I feel about vaping, and what I thought I was capable of accomplishing in the span of a couple of hours.