
Review by Luca Belloiu
Sep 28, 2022 · 4 min read

This margarita-flavored medicated beverage from Heavy Hitters delivers some serious euphoria and joy.

IN REVIEW: This single-strain, distilled cannabis beverage is Heavy Hitters’ version of the classic margarita. It’s been infused with Acapulco Gold terpenes to keep it rooted in Mexican mixology, but it contains no actual alcohol. The taste is true to form and will brighten up any activity from a party to perusing online stores from your couch, and the 25 mgs of THC is enough to excite any mid-to-high tolerance infused beverage lover. Expect a potent blend of euphoria and unbridled enthusiasm from this satisfying sipper you will find yourself reaching for often.

My usual ceiling when it comes to ingesting edibles or medicated beverages is 20mgs of THC. Being that it was the 4th of July and I wanted to experience some fireworks of my own, I pushed my limits a bit and consumed Heavy Hitters’ potent 25mg Margarita Drink. The strain used for this bold and refreshing drink is Acapulco Gold, a rare sativa that I have never had in ingestible form. And let me just say, I was blown away by the effects in many respects.

This was as potent of an experience as I’ve had with a medicated drink. 

Before I even finished all 12 ounces I was starting to feel sensations of euphoria build within me in what felt like a kaleidoscope of high watt energy. We were having some people over for a BBQ and a fireworks viewing party, and it seemed like the right kind of evening to opt for a good cannabis high rather than boozing it up. Also, I had work in the morning. That said, I went big with the 25mgs, especially as someone who normally does around 10mgs for a decent buzz. Thankfully, I didn’t blow off any of my fingers lighting firecrackers.

This is probably because I only had sparklers and bright-colored jumping jacks on hand. I left the quarter sticks of dynamite to my younger and more reckless self. Even the low-grade bursts of erratic light coming from such meager fireworks was enough to capture my awe and excitement. And once this high took over, it heightened absolutely everything.

By the 45-minute mark I was at the absolute zenith of this high, and it stayed that way for hours. This was as potent of an experience as I’ve had with a medicated drink. It took me a while to settle down and really start enjoying this high, but once the initial anxiety wore off I was overcome with a palpable sense of joy and good humor.

Forget that I felt like I was talking to people via a three-second satellite delay and I felt untethered to reality at times. I was experiencing a whirlwind of insight and deep emotional bonding with those around me. It made for some frank conversations, but it mostly made for some fun and irreverent talk. At its best it became the ultimate alcoholic substitute for an exciting night that delivered no hangover the next day (always a nice bonus).

I became ravenously hungry towards the tail end of the high, and for people suffering from appetite loss this can help turn things around. For those suffering from depression this could likewise help put that rare smile on your face. The potency all but ensures a change in mental state, and for me it always pointed in the direction of wonder, good humor, and genuine curiosity. If you are the adventuring type I would reach for this, but you’d better make sure you can handle 25mg because you don’t want to be stuck out on a trail somewhere when this dosage hits you full bore.

I felt like I was traveling through a margarita flavored wormhole.

I encountered some dicey moments where I felt like I was traveling through a margarita flavored wormhole, and I wasn’t entirely sure I would make it back to terra firma any time soon. Though surely enough, I was able to regain control and ultimately enjoy myself on a visceral level. The real treat came when night fell and the local fireworks display could be seen from our place. I had never been so high watching fireworks before, and it really spun me up. I felt like I was a part of some celestial tapestry that was exploding with vibrancy. It was awe inspiring in the best way possible.

This non-alcoholic margarita from Heavy Hitters is not for the faint of heart. It is turbulent at times—and immensely fun and exhilarating at other times. Ripe for fiestas of all stripes, this should be a superior social lubricant without all of the negative health consequences of real margaritas. Making it a marijuana beverage you can really bank on.

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Heavy HittersHVY Margarita Cannabis Infused Beverage