Pacific Purple Urkle



Product Details

18.3% THC
Berries, Floral, Skunk

Product Description

Western Cultured's Pacific Purple Urkle is a soft and sweet indica that should have you counting sheep in no time. The high is typically calm and relaxed, wiping anxieties away as it gently unfolds. This is a great high to recharge you after a long trip or big event.

Effects Profile

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Proper’s Effects Profiles come from the Proper Cannabis Committee, which is made up of real human experts who rate products blind to avoid bias. Use these reliable ratings to learn what each product is good for.


The effect profile of Western Cultured Pacific Purple Urkle is based on 6 user reviews.





Expert Review

For Indicas, I'm So Thankful

Review by Kait Heacock

Dec 03, 2018 · 4 min read

Intensely personal convos with your family just got a lot mellower.

At this past month’s Thanksgiving, I realized I’m thankful I have a good relationship with my parents. As the unmarried baby of the family, I spend all my Thanksgivings and Christmases with my folks, which means it’s usually just the three of us. That means, thankfully, I don’t have to worry about conservative relatives showing up for a special kind of seasonal grilling. Still, there remain some anxiety-inducing moments, like dinner conversations with my dad about queer dating apps and my “pot job,” as he likes to call my work in the cannabis industry. Navigating intergenerational conversations on sensitive topics like these can be a doozy, but I feel a hell of a lot calmer when I’ve smoked a little indica—Western Cultured’s Pacific Purple Urkle indica flower to be specific.

My body felt warmly, wonderfully cushioned from the outside cold and rain.