Ice Ice Valley



Product Details

23.41% THC, 0.07% CBD
Skunk, Musk

Effects Profile

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The effect profile of Ember Valley Ice Ice Valley is based on 3 user reviews.







Expert Review

Shed Your Quarantine Cocoon

Review by Katie Phillips

Jun 09, 2020 · 6 min read

Use this strain to stay even keel and experience all the feels.

IN REVIEW: Ember Valley’s Ice Ice Valley will help you stop, collaborate and listen. While there aren't any vanilla notes to this ice, you’ll certainly be chilled out and ready to take the day as it comes. Get out of your funk and find your happy place with this flower. Fire it up with friends and knock out whatever you set out to do, be it a project, hike or an elaborate feast, this social buzz will keep you humming from step one to done.

What a couple of months these have been. Even though I normally work from home, it seems things are just different and a little more chaotic than a typical day. I had a specific routine to keep my days flowing prior to this quarantine, and that started with a cup of coffee and a lovely, nutritious bite to eat. I’d then pick up my house, making sure to keep it clean and organized so my brain wouldn’t explode with an overwhelming sensation. I followed all of that up with a nice bike ride or yoga practice to get my endorphins going, and I was then ready to ship bongs out and get some work done!

Since I’ve had to stay at home for so many weeks with my partner, who I love, but distracts me with his cuteness, my day to day seems to be less organized, my routine comes and goes as it pleases, and I just need to stay on track. What day is it again? Haha. I’m always looking for flower to help me focus. I depend on cannabis to mellow my anxiety, keep my short attention span in check and connect with mother earth. Bud helps me feel centered and grounded, and I am very thankful for being introduced to Ember Valley’s Ice Ice Valley.